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Project Status

🧪 This is a pre-release

Wing is very young, naive, and currently under active development. This means that we still don't think it's a very useful tool at the moment, and probably not ready for production use. Many of the APIs and language features will likely change in the coming months.

However, it's definitely ready for those brave of hearts who would like to be involved at this early stage, influence our roadmap and join us for the ride.

We are working hard to make this a great tool, but there's still a pretty good chance you'll encounter missing pieces, rough edges, performance issues and even, god forbid, bugs 🐞.

Please don't hesitate to ping us on Discord or file an issue. We promise to do our best to respond quickly and help out.


We manage our project roadmap through GitHub projects, which should offer an up-to-date view on what we've completed, what we are working on and our backlog.