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13 posts tagged with "video"

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Video: The Counter Resource

· One min read
Elad Ben-Israel
Co-Founder & CEO at Wing Cloud
Shai Ber
Co-Founder and COO
Mark McCulloh
Senior Software Engineer

In this video from the Wingly Update #11, Elad, Shai, and Mark show a tutorial of cloud.Counter, a resource that was recently added to Winglang SDK. The cloud counter is a flexible cloud primitive that can be used for everything from generating sequential IDs to tracking event frequencies.

Video: Sebastian Korfmann visits the Wingly Show

· One min read
Elad Ben-Israel
Co-Founder & CEO at Wing Cloud
Shai Ber
Co-Founder and COO
Sebastian Korfmann
Winglang Trailblazer

In this video from the Wingly Update #11, Elad Ben-Israel and Shai Ber host Sebastian Korfmann, ex-Hashicorp and creator of CDK for Terraform. Sebastian talks about his journey, the inception of CDK for Terraform and his passion for the cloud. He shows off the shiny new Winglang Examples Repository with fancy multi-cloud CI/CD.

Video: Built-in syntax for tests

· One min read
Elad Ben-Israel
Co-Founder & CEO at Wing Cloud
Eyal Keren
Chief Product Officer at Wing Cloud

In this video from the Wingly Update #10, Elad and Eyal show a demo of new syntax we added to Wing to support writing tests. This new language feature allows developers to define tests that are designed to run in isolated environments across all cloud targets, empowering developers with first-class support for testing.